Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Choices, Consequences, and Death

Now that we have reached the end of the Zeffirelli film version of Romeo and Juliet, I am curious to know what your thoughts are on the choices the main characters made in the end, what lead to those choices, whether or not they were avoidable, and how the tragic ending makes you feel.

You know the situation: Juliet fakes her death and the Friar tries to send a letter out to Romeo to let him know what they are planning. Before the letter can get to Romeo, Romeo finds out that Juliet is dead. Again, he acts hastily and buys poison from an apothecary. He visits Juliet in her tomb, and just as she is about to wake up, he dies. Juliet, seeing her lover dead, takes his knife and stabs herself to death.

So here are my questions for you to consider:

1. Was this ending avoidable?
2. What do you think about the choices Romeo and Juliet made?
3. Are they solely to blame for their fates?
4. How did their deaths make you feel?
5. Do situations like this happen today? Could they? Why or why not?

Since Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy, it is possible to look at both of the young protagonists as flawed but ultimately sympathetic characters.

What are the flaws of the young lovers?
Are they sympathetic characters? Do you feel bad for them?

Monday, November 12, 2007

Thoughts on Revenge

In Romeo and Juliet, Romeo decides to get revenge for Mercutio's death by killing Tybalt.

So let's talk about REVENGE...

1. Is revenge ever justified? When? Why?
2. Did Romeo do the right thing? What happens as a result?
3. What would you do in his situation?
4. What about in situation you encounter today? Have you ever wanted to get revenge? Why? Describe the situation(s)?